Thursday, August 6, 2009

BlackBerry Curve Holds Top Spot For Smartphones Sold In Q2

Contrary to the what the hype machine that we call Apple iPhone might have you believe, the BlackBerry Curve, not the iPhone, was the number one selling smartphone in Q2 2009.

According to an IDC report, not only did RIM capture the top spot with the BlackBerry Curve, it holds the number 3, 5, and 6 spots as well. 4 Devices out of the top six is impressive no matter how you look at it.

The top ten devices according to the IDC report were as follows:

1. BlackBerry Curve (bb on amazon for a penny)
2. iPhone 3G S
3. BlackBerry Pearl
4. iPhone 3G
5. BlackBerry Bold
6. BlackBerry Storm
7. HTC T-Mobile G1
8. Palm Pre
9. HTC Touch Pro
10. HTC Touch Diamond


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