Monday, January 18, 2010

Rumor: BlackBerry to Launch “Vegas” Media Manager to Sync Music OTA


The latest rumor to come out of RIM is a new feature to complement the BlackBerry Media Manager called “Vegas”. Vegas gives users the ability to OTA sync their iTunes and Windows Media player songs with their device. Apparently, you get the file so you can listen to it offline as well. From what I’ve heard, it’s very similar to i2b by ParkVu, which automatically keeps your BlackBerry up to date with your recently purchased music, podcasts and playlist changes.

There aren’t too many details about it just yet, and it’s very possible Vegas will never see the light of day. My understanding is that their is a huge product line of apps that are developed at RIM that for legal and other reasons don’t make it to market. For example, the BlackBerry TiVo app originally could let you stream TV and movies to your device. RIM legal put the kibosh on it though because they didn’t like possible the legal repercussions of content they didn’t control ending up on the device. I can see Vegas running into a similar problems with RIM legal, as there are a ton of potential lawsuits surrounding passing possibly stolen music files between a PC and BlackBerry.

In any case, I think something like Vegas is much needed. I personally never plug my BlackBerry into my PC to sync music files as it’s just too much of a pain. It’s for that reason that I need apps like Slacker, but it doesn’t work at places like my local gym, where there’s no connectivity. If I could use Vegas to grab songs off my PC before I lose the signal, it would really make me love my BlackBerry as a portable music player.

© Kyle for BlackBerry Cool, 2010"

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