Tuesday, September 1, 2009

TwitVid.com Launches First Twitter Video Application in BlackBerry App World

TwitVid.com has launched the first Twitter video application through the BlackBerry App World!

“We believe that video will help to drive further Twitter adoption because it dramatically enriches the Twitter experience,” said Mo Adham, Co-Founder of TwitVid.com. “Now people are not just restricted to experiencing the Twitter universe from the 140 character view, they can see and more deeply communicate what’s happening in their social circle and beyond. Being first out the gate with a standalone video app for the BlackBerry and supplying video tweeting to an incredible app like UberTwitter means our users get the best Twitter experience available anywhere.”

The TwitVid BlackBerry app supports all BlackBerry devices.

Check out the TwitVid page at the BlackBerry App World online site or search “twitvid” through the mobile app to download it. For more info about the ÜberTwitter BlackBerry Twitter app visit ubertwitter.com.

More info in the full press release after the jump.

Press Release

Fastest and Easiest Way to Tweet Video From a BlackBerry

TwitVid.com Partners With UberTwitter, Largest BlackBerry Twitter App

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TwitVid.com, the fastest and easiest way to add video to Twitter, today announced the immediate availability of the first video uploading application for the BlackBerry. The company also announced they will power video for UberTwitter, the most popular BlackBerry Twitter app.

“We believe that video will help to drive further Twitter adoption because it dramatically enriches the Twitter experience,” said Mo Adham, Co-Founder of TwitVid.com. “Now people are not just restricted to experiencing the Twitter universe from the 140 character view, they can see and more deeply communicate what’s happening in their social circle and beyond. Being first out the gate with a standalone video app for the BlackBerry and supplying video tweeting to an incredible app like UberTwitter means our users get the best Twitter experience available anywhere.”

TwitVid lets you tweet videos directly from your BlackBerry. Simply download the app from BlackBerry App World at http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/2787

1. Open the TwitVid.com app

2. Select or Record a Video

3. Type a tweet

4. Click Post and let your video upload

5. People can start watching it within seconds

“We chose the TwitVid.com app to document Seattle’s popular Seafair summer celebration, and it immediately enhanced the way we report and get the news out,” said Jenni Hogan, reporter for Seattle based CBS affiliate KIRO and TwitVid.com BlackBerry beta user. “During Seafair, the plane called Fat Albert, did tricks above Lake Washington in Seattle. Inside I tweeted video of the experience to thousands below as they watched the air show overhead. It was a real blast to bring the viewers with me and share that once in a lifetime opportunity through TwitVid. With only TwitVid and my BlackBerry I had my own “crew” that allowed me to quickly and easily record and tweet videos on the fly. During Seafair I uploaded my videos to TwitVid.com in seconds and my followers could start watching within minutes. TwitVid.com lets me build a much closer relationship with my followers and strengthens the relationships the station has with our viewers. I use TwitVid.com every day. It works great for me.”

The technology that drives TwitVid.com gives users the ability to upload, view and share videos sooner than any other app. This is critical in the Twitter environment where people want to post as quickly as possible, but don’t want to sacrifice quality, reliability and ease of use. Celebrities, professional athletes, politicians and musical artists have chosen TwitVid.com as their mobile video tweeting service of choice. Senator Bernie Sanders utilizes the TwitVid.com site for his weekly show, Unfiltered, and last week, Jared Leto’s band, 30 Seconds to Mars, named TwitVid.com as the exclusive partner for their Digital Summit contest. Visit http://twitvid.com/mars to learn more about how to enter the Digital Summit contest, and http://sandersunfiltered.com/submit/ to submit your question for Senator Sanders’ show.

“We chose TwitVid.com for UberTwitter, because we wanted to give our users the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to tweet video,” said Paul McDonald, Founder of UberTwitter. “The TwitVid.com Developer’s Kit made it extremely easy for us to integrate video into our app. I know our users are going to love the way TwitVid makes tweeting video on UberTwitter really easy and fun.”

TwitVid.com launched their free app for the iPhone 3GS in July, 2009 and it can be downloaded from the Apple App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=317646079&mt=8. In addition to the BlackBerry, members may also tweet videos via e-mail from their mobile devices, or via the TwitVid.com website. And TwitVid.com mobile users can choose to automatically broadcast their videos and tweets to their Facebook, MySpace and YouTube profiles by simply setting their preferences on www.twitvid.com. For UberTwitter’s video-ready product, go to www.ubertwitter.com.

About TwitVid.com

TwitVid.com is produced by EatLime, Inc., a technology company uniquely capable of helping consumers take advantage of the convergence of social communications, mobile smart phones and video. The company was founded in 2008 by Waterloo University students Mo Adham and Adil Lalani in their dorm room. They wanted to share videos with friends, but were frustrated because other websites and services couldn’t upload fast enough and weren’t developed to ensure the highest quality experience for online social interaction. They envisioned a peer-to-peer model for fast and easy video sharing. As a result, they developed the Instant Media Engine which is the only server-based software to allow high quality media files to be viewed by recipients as soon as the uploading process begins. TwitVid.com delivers the fastest, highest quality video to be viewed on either a mobile device or any computer platform. TwitVid can be found at www.twitvid.com.

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